On My Layoff
One rainy day upon a time
I was inspired to go and rhyme.
Instead of rhyming I took a swig
And joined the famous DB SIG.
At DB SIG we like to dig
Why every pig requires a WIG*,
Why every bull craves for a tool
To tell a pro how to pull,
How to push, how to play,
How to plan a working day…
The DBSIG is in dismay.
Today my job is to announce
That my employment took a bounce.
It hit a wall not making a hole
But overall it is good for the soul.
I hear voices in the root:
“Don’t go mute! Reboot, reboot!”
I’ll take the virus out of the game,
I’ll curse the lame just to inflame,
I’ll leave this place in the cheerful mood
With thoughts for food yet mind half-nude.
I wish I had a leaf of fig
To trick the crippled DB SIG.
March 11, 2009
*WIG - Wildly Important Goal
I am old… Am I old? Am I cold and… bloody bold? Are my bones all scourged by mold?
Golden rule is not to frown growing mold on th’ golden gown… I’ve been told to quiet down.
Should I bow to those fools? Am I been bullied by the bulls? Well, I’ve learned... The golden rule is -
Glory rules,
Dodge the fools,
Punch the bulls.
Be yourself while staying unsold on the premise “I am old”.
December 11, 2013
Don’t bother little ants.
Love your enemies and friends.
Don’t swear, be polite,
Kiss your mother, don’t bite.
Honor dissent style of life
Raising children with your wife.
But remember – after all
Sugar, fat, cholesterol
Bring your life to “happy end”.
Will you know were you went –
Hell or haven? It depends!
Don’t bother little ants.
August 10, 1999